
Monday, December 10, 2007

Case 3 2nd Post

Possible Micro-organismMicroscopyCultureBiochemical TestsAntibiotics Sensitivity TestingTreatment
Escherichia ColiGram negative bacilli

Mac Conkey: Lactose Fermenting(Pink)

Sheep Blood Agar: β-hemolytic

TSI: acidic slant/ acidic deep

Oxidase Test: Negative

IMViC: ++--

Urease Test: Negative

Sensitive to amoxillin, cephalosporins, carbapenems, aztreonam, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, ciprofloxacin, nitrofurantoin, aminoglycosidesNo drug is normally needed. Amoxillin used when needed.
Proteus spp.Gram negative bacilli

Mac Conkey: Non-Lactose Fermenting(colourless)

Sheep Blood Agar: Spreading Growth

TSI: alkaline slant with black ppt

Oxidase Test: Negative

IMViC: ++-+*

Urease Test: Positive

Resistance to tetracycline, first generation cephalosporins and ampicillinsMost antibiotics can be used other then the 3 that it is resistant to.
Klebsiella spp.Gram negative bacilli

Mac Conkey: Lactose Fermenting(Red)

Growth in areobic and anareobic condition

TSI: alkaline slant/ acidic deep

Oxidase Test: Negative

IMViC: --++

Urease Test: Negative

Susceptible to aminoglycosides cephalosporin, gentamicin

Resistance to carbenicillin, ampicillin, quinolones, and increasingly to ceftazidime

SerratiaGram negative bacilli

Mac Conkey: Non-Lactose Fermenting(Colourless)

TSI: acid slant/ acid deep

Oxidase Test: Negative

IMViC: +-++

Urease Test: Negative

Suceptible to anitbiotics carbapenems, cephalosporin, amikacin

Resistant to gentamicin and tobramycin

Carbapenems, cephalosporin, amikancin
PseudomonasGram positive bacilliMac Conkey: Non-Lactose Fermenting(colourless)

TSI: alkaline slant/ alkaline deep

Oxidase Test: Positive

Catalase Test: Positive

Susceptible to piperacillin, imipenem, tobramycin, ciprolorxacin

Resistant to penicillin

EnterococcusGram positive cocci

Mac Conkey: Lactose Fermenting(Pink)

Sheep Blood Agar: No Haemolysis

Catalase test: Negative

Resistant to Quinupristin, ampicillin and vancomycinVancomycin

*Mostly Proteus strain positive except P. mirabilis negative.

Urease Test: Positive - Pink, Negative - Orange

Oxidase Test: Positive - Dark Maroon to Black, Negative - Slight pink colouration or no colouration

IMViC: Indole Test, Methyl Red, Voges-Proskauer, Citrate test. Done when oxidase test is negative.

Indole Test: converts tryptophan into indole, ammonia and pyruvic acid. Bacterial culture grown in tryptophan or peptone for 24 to 48 hours before adding kovac reagent. Positive-Red, Negative- Yellow

Methyl Red Test: If the organism uses the mixed acid fermentation pathway and produces stable acidic end-products, the acids will overcome the buffers in the medium and produce an acidic environment in the medium. When methyl red is added, if acidic end products are present, the methyl red will stay red.

Voges-Proskauer: When the VP reagents are added to MR-VP broth that has been inoculated with an organism that uses the butylene glycol pathway, the acetoin end product is oxidized in the presence of potassium hydroxide (KOH) to diacetyl. Creatine is also present in the reagent as a catalyst. Diacetyl then reacts to produce a red color. Therefore, red is a positive result. If, after the reagents have been added, a copper color is present, the result is negative.

Citrate Test: To see if bacteria is able to use only citrate as carbon and energy source. Positive-Blue, Negative- Green.




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